Bastia to Savona Freight Ferries

At you can find the best fares on Bastia Savona freight ferries in one fast and easy search. Not only that but we’ll also compare with any viable alternatives which means you can quickly and easily find the lowest prices and information for your crossing.

You can book a Bastia Savona ferry travelling from Corsica to Italy with Corsica Ferries (weekly). Use our freight fare search to find prices and information online or call now and talk to our knowledgeable freight ferry team for bookings and advice. If you aren’t carrying freight and are looking to make a tourist booking then please visit our Bastia Savona Ferry page instead.

Route and port details

Bastia Savona Freight Ferry Services

  • Corsica Ferries Freight Bastia to Savona Freight
    • Weekly Sailings
    • Get price